Easily distracted...........
What was I going to say. Oh yeah. I know I've only almost completed the back of my cardigan. I finished the gauntlets but I still want to post a picture of them on actual hands. I have yarn in my stash to do that shawl that I keep dreaming about but am too terrified to start. I still haven't started the mans Trekking socks, but really that's only because I am trying to learn this cool new way of casting on toe up socks. I have been checking out others blogs and drooling over their finished projects and wishing I could be so disciplined. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm easily distracted. My husband says I have ADD and he might just be right, but I like to think I am a dedicated multi tasker.
Anyway, I bought "The Happy Hooker" by Deb Stoller and now I am distracted by the art of crochet. I don't think I like it as much as knitting. I mean I am pretty sure I don't but I thought it would be a handy thing to add to my repertoire.
So I have spent much of my weekend doing and redoing this simple little project just for the sheer enjoyment of learning something new and crafty. Working with textiles in any form is sheer bliss to me and if it makes me smile, and swear a little bit sometimes, that's a good thing. Right Martha?