Whoa Nelly.......
Where did this last month go!
I started a Top Down Raglan. My next experiment in knitting delights. You can't really tell from the picture but the yarn is Jo Sharp..mmmm...Rare Comfort, Infusion Kid Mohair in Blueberry. Doesn't that just sound yummy!
So I had to go to Manitoba for the long weekend for a family reunion....yawn...no really the reunion part was ok but damn if that isn't a long drive! 11 plus hours and to top it all off the schnauser was sick. Yep, sick schnauser with the sh#ts and yacking every 20 minutes in a compact car doing 110 down the number 1.
"Honey he's farting! Pull over I thing he has to go!"
" Honey he's heaving, stop the car I think he's gonna hurl."
"Honey, who's idea was it to bring the dog on this family vacation anyway?"
So instead of enjoying the never ending scenery of Saskatchewan and catching up on small talk, my DH and I dealt with the dog's illness and tried not to blame or be blamed for bringing the beloved family pet on our only car trip of the entire summer vacation.
Oh yeah, and I started the Trekking socks but decided to make them for myself as my husband doesn't think he would like home made socks...ahem!!!! So now the WIP tally is two sweaters and one pair of socks.
I think my dear Aunt Nelly would be proud.