Wednesday, January 18, 2006

OK. You asked for it here it is. A picture of "my little schnauzer". I know, I know. You can't go around saying that one of your interests is your schnauzer and then not post a pic of the little guy.
Even with that evil flash eye he's snoochie!
He's my snoochie schnauzer, my snoochie poochie. My little silkey snoochie schnauzer poochie.
Heh, heh, heh. I love him.


Tonni said...

Ohhh, he is so cute!

Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

I love your snoochie schnauzer!! I have one too! My guy is about 8 years old now and the LOVE of my life (he shares this spot with my hubby)! LOL!! My first schnauzer was the same color as yours....aren't they the greatest?? I saw your red socks you submitted for the red sock KAL....I am new to socks....where did you get the pattern for these? I like the "short" sock and like all the ribbing.