Sunday, October 15, 2006

Tadaa! Tattoo Toque!
It finally came to me in sweet epiphany as I hovered over the bargain bin of sale yarns at my LYS. For a long time now I have wanted to knit something for my DH that he would actually wear and love not just because I made it for him with my own sweat and tears (and of course lots of cursing) but because it was something that he could wear proudly. An original work of art created by his beloved wife. Something that reflects his own personal taste. So as I gazed at all the skeins of rich wool marked down by 50%, (my husband loves anything that is on sale so it is ok to buy something as long as you got a good deal!) the vision of this toque filled my knitting thoughts. I bought the wool, rushed home and sketched and then knit for a whole afternoon while he went skating with our little guy. And voila! the toque was a hit. He loved it! I was so relieved.
Now maybe I can finish some of my other projects!

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a cool toque!

plus, bargain yarn totally doesn't count in any sort of yarn spending budget...